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Contact Us
If you have any comments or questions relating to the Wales Marine Planning Portal or Marine Planning in Wales, please get in touch. We welcome correspondence in English or Welsh.
Email: marineplanning@gov.wales
If you contact the Welsh Government then our Privacy Notice explains how we use your information and the ways in which we protect your privacy.
Further Infomation
Marine planning in Wales covers both the inshore region (from mean high water spring tides out to 12 nautical miles) and offshore region (beyond 12 nautical miles).
Welsh Government Marine Planning is where you go to access more information about marine planning in Wales, including:
- The Welsh National Marine Plan (WNMP) and Supporting Documents;
- The legislative framework for marine planning;
- Evidence relating to marine planning;
- Documents relating to plan development and plan implementation
For information on Marine Planning in England see the Marine Management Organisation
The following links take you to additional sources of information associated with marine planning.
Welsh Government Department for Marine and Fisheries
Marine Planning: Home page for marine planning in Welsh Government.
DataMapWales: DataMapWales serves as a source for public sector data in Wales, providing a shared data platform to members of the public and public authorities.
Accessing Our Data Provides information on how to access NRW’s data.
Marine Licensing: Provides information on how NRW manages marine licences and how to apply for them.
Marine and Coastal Guidance Here you will find and download NRW’s marine and coastal guidance. Guidance helps to ensure the sustainable management of the marine and coastal environment and give information to help with your project, development or activity.
Marine Management Organisation
Northern Ireland: Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
Isle of Man: Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture
MEDIN: Marine Environmental Data and Information Network.
Cefas Data Hub: an online portal allowing the public and UK businesses to explore, download and reuse the data for their own.
Members of the Marine Planning Stakeholder Reference Group
Active members
Welsh Government Marine Planning team
Marine Conservation Society (MCS)
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
Marine Management Organisation (MMO)
Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA)
British Marine Aggregate Producers Association
Seabed User and Developer Group SUDG
European Subsea Cables Association
Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC)
Bangor Mussel Producers Association
Severn Estuary Partnership within Cardiff University
Non active members
Evidence Report
Feature results
Area Layer Search
Welsh National Marine Plan Consultation
Welsh Government are currently consulting on introducing a Welsh National Marine Plan
This version of the portal includes the DRAFT spatial policies taken from the Draft WNMP.
It allows the users to consider the mapped areas and policies set out in the Consultation alongside relevant data on marine resources and human uses.
The Draft Policies layers are being made available during the consultation period (06/12/2017 - 29/03/2018). If you have any detailed comments on any of the data in this portal, please provide Feedback through the link at the top of the page.
Comments on the Draft WNMP should be provided in the context of the Consultation
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